Are Dental Implants High Maintenance? How to Avoid Most Common Problems

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What Are Dental Implants?

They are oral devices for replacing missing teeth. Dental implants feature small screw-like titanium metal posts that replace tooth roots. They work hand in hand with dental crowns to fully replace a lost tooth. The implant will replace the root while the crown the enamel. This treatment protocol works for replacing single teeth.

If you have more than one missing tooth, the dentist will incorporate a dental bridge or denture instead of the oral crowns. The goal is to ensure you have a realistic number of dental implants in your mouth for all your lost teeth without getting an implant for each one.

How Do Dental Implants Work? 

The procedure of getting dental implants in Pflugerville, TX, requires surgery. The dentist will cut open your gums to expose the jawbone. The next step entails drilling a hole in the jawbone that can house a tooth implant.

After erecting the dental implant in your jawbone, your dentist will sew your gums to support and stabilize the implant. Afterward, your dentist will have you go home so you can start your healing and recovery. It should take about three to four months before you are ready for further dental work.

On the last dental visit, your dentist will please a dental crown that fits perfectly to the implant in your jawbone.

Common Problems After Dental Implants Surgery

Like any surgical procedure, implantation surgery can cause some discomfort and complications. Here are some common problems that patients may experience after dental implant surgery:

  • Pain and discomfort – your dentist at Peak Dental –Pflugerville, may prescribe pain medication or recommend over-the-counter pain relievers to manage this.
  • Swelling – it can be evident in other places aside from your mouth, including your face.
  • Infection – usually if you do not maintain proper oral hygiene after surgery.
  • Implant failure – occurs when the implant does not properly fuse with the jawbone. It can be caused by factors such as infection, poor oral hygiene, or insufficient bone density.
  • Nerve damage – can occur during surgery. Nerve damage manifests as numbness or tingling in the lips, tongue, or chin.
  • Sinus problems – dental implants in the upper jaw can sometimes cause sinus problems, such as congestion or sinusitis.
  • Gum recession – can occur if the implant is improperly situated in your mouth, exposing the implant. This problem also increases the risk of infection.

How To Maintain Dental Implants

Getting dental implants near you is just the first step to excelling in oral health. There is more responsibility in caring for your mouth by maintaining your dental implants. Some tips include the following:

  • Practice good oral hygiene: Brush and floss regularly to keep your implants clean and free of plaque buildup. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste to avoid damaging the implant or surrounding gum tissue.
  • Use an antimicrobial mouthwash: Get a mouthwash specifically designed to kill bacteria and prevent infections around your dental implants.
  • Avoid smoking: Smoking can increase the risk of implant failure and cause other oral health problems.
  • Avoid chewing on hard objects: Food and non-food items like ice or hard candy can damage the implant or surrounding teeth.
  • Wear a night guard: If you grind your teeth at night, a night guard will prevent damage to your implants and other teeth.
  • Visit your dentist regularly: Schedule regular checkups to ensure that your implants are in good condition and functioning properly.

​How Often Should Dental Implants Be Checked?

Generally, never stop visiting your dentist in Pflugerville, TX, even after getting dental implants. Instead, keep up with your regular dental checkups and cleaning sessions, which should happen once every three to six months. Besides, dentists recommend getting dental implants checked bi-annually.


Ultimately, it may be a fair assumption to state that dental implants are high maintenance. However, it does not mean they are hard to care for or call for too much work. Instead, they require intentionality to maintain their hygiene and preserve overall oral health.

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