Can Periodontal Disease Remain Stable for Decades? How do Dentists diagnose it?

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Periodontal disease, alternatively called gum disease, is a severe infection of the gums that damages the soft tissue and, if left untreated, destroys the bone supporting your teeth.

Periodontal disease can loosen your teeth resulting in tooth loss.

Although common periodontal disease is a preventable condition. It usually results from poor dental hygiene. Brushing twice daily, flossing once, and getting regular dental checkups significantly improve your chances of receiving successful treatment for periodontal disease and reduce your chances of developing it.

Symptoms of Periodontal Disease

If your gums are healthy, they appear firm and fit snugly around your teeth. Some of the indicators of periodontal disease include swollen or puffy gums, bright red, dusky, or purplish gums, tender gums to touch, easily bleeding gums, spitting blood and brushing and flossing, painful chewing, receding gums making your teeth appear longer than average, and changes in your bite.

You might also notice new spaces developing between teeth, loose or lost teeth, lousy breath, and a pink-tinged toothbrush after brushing.

If you notice the symptoms, you must follow the recommendations of the dentist near me to schedule regular checkups. The sooner you seek treatment for periodontal disease, the better your chances of reversing the damage from the condition.

What Is the First Stage of Gum Disease?

Generally, periodontal disease starts with dental plaque, a sticky film comprising bacteria. If left untreated dental plaque eventually advances into periodontal disease.

Dental plaque forms on teeth when the bacteria in your mouth interact with the starches and sugars in the foods you have. Brushing your teeth twice daily and flossing helps remove dental plaque, which re-forms quickly.

Dental plaque hardens beneath your gum line into calculus when you don’t remove it. Calculus is challenging to remove and is populated with bacteria. The longer plaque and calculus remain on your teeth, the more damage they create. Brushing and flossing are ineffective in removing calculus from your teeth and need professional cleaning from the dentist 78660.

Dental plaque results in gingivitis the first stage of periodontal disease. Gingivitis represents irritation and inflammation of the portion of gum tissue near the base of your teeth. Gingivitis is reversible with professional treatment and excellent home care.

Unfortunately, untreated gingivitis results in periodontal disease, causing pockets between your gums and teeth and filling them with dental plaque, calculus, and bacteria. With time the pockets become deeper to accumulate more bacteria. If you ignore the condition, the deep infection can cause loss of tissue and bone, eventually resulting in the loss of teeth. In addition, ongoing chronic inflammation strains your immune system.

Diagnosing Periodontal Disease

To determine whether you have periodontal disease and the severity of the infection, the dentist in Pflugerville, TX, will review your medical history to identify factors contributing to the condition. They will examine your mouth, looking for plaque and tartar buildup, and recognize signs of easy bleeding. They will also measure the pocket depth between your gums and teeth, placing a dental probe by your tooth under the gum line.

The dentist takes x-rays to check bone loss in areas where they observe deep pocket depth. They assign a stage and grade of periodontal disease based on the severity of the condition, the complexity of your treatment, risk factors, and your general health.

The treatment for periodontal disease is performed by periodontics in Pflugerville, TX, or even the Pflugerville dentist. Periodontal therapy aims to clean the pockets around your teeth to prevent damage to the surrounding bone. Your best chances for successful treatment are when you adopt a daily routine of good oral care, manage health conditions that might impact dental health, and quit tobacco use.

Is It Possible to Save Teeth from Severe Periodontal Disease?

If you are affected by severe periodontal disease, tooth loss is a foregone conclusion, as this infection has treatments but no cure. Therefore if you want to avoid tooth loss caring for your teeth and gums becomes essential unless you don’t mind investing in replacement solutions for loss of teeth or ongoing therapies to maintain periodontal disease by frequently visiting the Pflugerville specialist for treatments that also include surgery.

If you have symptoms of periodontal disease seeking treatment for the condition as early as possible is suggested by Peak Dental — Pflugerville to prevent intensive damage. Consult this specialist today to diagnose your condition for severity and receive the essential treatment required to prevent tooth loss and other problems that might affect your general health.

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