Effective Tips to Keep Your Gums Healthy

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When caring for your mouth, your teeth are not the only contributors to your smile. You cannot neglect your gums because even if you have the pearliest teeth in Austin without cavities, it doesn’t make you immune from gum disease. If you aren’t aware of what gum disease means, it helps if you visit Peak Dental — South Austin to get a better understanding of this chronic and devastating infection that can develop in your mouth.

Not many people know what gum disease means because it is a preventable infection developing in your mouth when you neglect visits to the dentist near me for regular checkups. This article explains what gum disease means, providing practical tips to keep your gums healthy. If you wish to retain your pearly whites, we suggest you spend some time with this article learning how to keep your gums healthy.

Gum Disease Explained

Gum disease begins when you allow plaque to accumulate on your teeth and along the gum line. Plaque resembles a sticky film-like substance populated with bacteria. The sticky substance causes infections to impact the gums and jawbone, leading to gum disease and tooth decay. Plaque is also responsible for gingivitis, the earliest stage of periodontal disease.

When you develop gingivitis, your gums become inflamed, tender, swollen, red, and susceptible to bleeding. Thankfully gingivitis doesn’t impact the bone and tissue holding your teeth, making the condition reversible.

Unfortunately, if you leave gingivitis untreated by not getting a dental exam and cleaning in Austin, TX, you allow the earliest stage of gum disease to progress to periodontal disease. Periodontal disease impacts the bones holding your teeth in place and can ruin the gums, bones, and tissues connected to your teeth if you continue the neglect further.

The American Dental Association states the signs and symptoms indicating you may have gum disease include consistent bad breath or taste in your mouth, loose or separating permanent teeth, swollen, red, or tender gums, bleeding gums when eating or brushing your teeth, and receding gums.

While the earliest stage of gum disease, gingivitis, is preventable periodontal disease isn’t. Therefore the optimal way to keep your gums healthy is to prevent gingivitis from developing in your mouth. Please don’t consider it is challenging to take care of your gums. Instead, use the five tips mentioned hereunder to assist you in keeping your gums healthy.

Five Tips for Healthier Gums

The dentist in South Austin, TX, recommends the following five tips to keep your gums in optimal shape and prevent the consequences of periodontal disease from leaving you with a toothless grin. The tips mentioned are not challenging and only require you to work with your dental hygiene regimen diligently every day without exceptions. They are:

1. Flossing Everyday

You must floss your teeth at least once a day regardless of when you do it. Flossing helps eliminate plaque and food particles trapped on your teeth and between them where your toothbrush can’t reach. Remember, flossing is essential and not the time when you do it. Floss in the morning, evening, and after every meal if you feel like it. However, make it an essential part of your dental hygiene regimen.

2. Dental Visits

Visit the South Austin dentist every six months for exams and cleanings because dentists detect early symptoms of gum disease when you visit them regularly. After seeing gum disease symptoms in your mouth, the dentist provides prompt treatment to ensure the condition doesn’t progress. Plaque buildup on your teeth and along the gum line hardens into tartar within 48 hours and is removable only with help from professional dentists. If you have gingivitis, the optimal way to reverse the condition is to brush, floss, and get regular dental cleanings.

3. Brushing

Brushing your teeth after every meal helps remove food and plaque trapped between your teeth and gums. Your tongue also needs attention and scrubbing because it is a breeding ground for bacteria. Use a toothbrush fitting comfortably in your mouth with soft bristles. You can consider using electric or battery-powered toothbrushes because these tools efficiently prevent gingivitis by eliminating plaque from your mouth. However, remember to replace your manual or electric toothbrush heads every 40 days or earlier if the bristles start fraying.

4. Quit Smoking

Smoking is a habit that weakens your immune system and causes various health problems besides impacting your gums by making them prone to gum disease. In addition, if you are a smoker with gingivitis, your lifestyle habits make it more challenging for your gums to heal after sustaining damages.

5. Use Fluoride Toothpaste and Antiseptic Mouthwash

Inquire with the South Austin dentist about an antiseptic mouthwash you can incorporate with your oral hygiene regimen. You can find fluoride toothpaste in every store or drugstore without confronting any challenges. However, if you are confused, look for the ADA seal of acceptance to confirm you have chosen a suitable product for yourself.

Use fluoride toothpaste and the antiseptic mouthwash to reduce plaque and prevent gingivitis from developing in your mouth to keep your gums healthy and remaining free from oral health problems.

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