Four Dental Situations When You Need Tooth Extractions

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Some people have a lot of problems with their teeth, from decay to worn out. These problems can be easily solved with root canals or crowns. However, when you have severe damage that cannot be treated with other treatments, the dentist may recommend tooth extraction in Austin, TX. Teeth extractions are often necessary when oral health is compromised.

What is a Tooth Extraction?

Tooth extraction is the removal of your teeth, and it may be necessary to remove a tooth for many reasons, including dental decay or injury-related trauma to the tooth.

There are two types of tooth extraction-- a simple tooth extraction is when a dentist near you pulls the tooth out from its socket without making incisions in the gums or jaw bone.

Surgical tooth extraction is when the dentist opens the gum before removing an impacted wisdom tooth that has become too difficult to remove otherwise.

The tooth extraction process usually involves numbing it with a local anesthetic and then extracting it with forceps or surgically cutting it out. Your mouth is sutured after extraction so the nerves can heal and regenerate new tissue in place of what was removed.

When is Tooth Extraction Necessary?

We perform tooth extraction as a last resort when all the other treatments have failed. However, a dentist may recommend a tooth extraction near you for other reasons, like:

1. Severe dental decay

Dental decay is a common oral health issue caused by the accumulation of plaque on teeth. Teeth affected by severe dental decay are more likely to have cavities and deep pits or cracks. Usually, if the cavities only affect the surface, the dentist will use teeth fillings. If it extends to the pulp chamber, then the root canal becomes the next best treatment.

Tooth removal is done for a severely damaged tooth that cannot be saved. It is important to have the dental decay addressed on time because if left untreated, it can lead to more damage to the rest of the teeth and jaw.

2. Impacted wisdom tooth extraction 

Wisdom teeth are the third molars and are found in the back of the mouth. The teeth are usually impacted, meaning they do not have enough room to grow out of the mouth.

Wisdom teeth extraction is one of the most common surgeries performed at dental offices around the world, and it is done to prevent potential problems like gum disease and bone loss.

3. Overcrowded teeth extraction

Dental overcrowding happens when your jaw has not developed properly, and there is little space in one area of the mouth. This causes the teeth to emerge on each other. This condition can also be caused by missing teeth or by teeth that grow in the wrong place. Overcrowding affects your oral health and also teeth alignment.
The dentist may remove the excess teeth in preparation for dental alignment treatment.

4. Knocked-out teeth extraction

If a tooth is knocked out, you should try to put the tooth back in your mouth and visit a dentist's office near you for assistance. The dentist can save the teeth if treatment is started early. However, if you cannot put it back in its proper place because it has broken off at the gum line, you will need to see a dentist as soon as possible for tooth extraction.

What to Expect After the Tooth Extraction Procedure?

The post-procedure period of tooth extraction is the most crucial time of recovery. It is important to take care of your mouth, follow the aftercare instructions.

This means taking antibiotics and pain medication as prescribed by a dentist. You should also avoid chewing on hard foods in the beginning stages not to damage your gums or newly pulled tooth. Avoiding drinking cold beverages until swelling has gone down is also a must if you want a speedy recovery process.

Visit Peak Dental in Austin for more information about tooth extraction and what you can expect during and after the procedure.

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