How and Why Dental Bridges Are a Great Option for Tooth Replacement

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Missing teeth can cause problems, like difficulty chewing food, increased risk of dental decay,pain in the jaw muscles, and bone loss. That is why it is vital to have your teeth replaced. Several teeth replacement options are available that you can choose from like, dental bridges in South Austin, TX.

What is a Dental Bridge?

A dental bridge is a false tooth cemented onto the two adjacent teeth next to the gap. 

It can be made of gold, porcelain, or metal and is secured in place with adhesive cement.

These false teeth come in three types of dental bridges: traditional, cantilever, Maryland.

Traditional bridges are anchored in place with two dental crowns. You need to have healthy teeth and gums or these bridges to be used. Once installed, these bridges cannot be removed without causing damage to natural teeth. 

Cantilever dental bridges are dental appliances used to replace missing teeth in the upper or lower jaw. Unlike the traditional bridges, these are anchored in place with one tooth. Because of their structure, these bridges are fixed on the front teeth.

Maryland dental bridges are made up of porcelain or metal secured onto teeth on either side of the gap with crowns. The bridge is connected by a framework of metal which serves as an anchor for the bridge.

What are the Benefits of Dental Bridge?

Getting dental bridges near you offers great benefits like stability for surrounding teeth and helps to prevent jawbone resorption. Other benefits include decreased sensitivity and improved chewing ability.

Unlike dentures,bridges are fixed and offer a natural look. Furthermore, they do not need a repair or reline to adjust their fit. 

What are the Drawbacks of Dental Bridges?

Dental bridges are the most common and cost-effective way to replace a missing tooth. However, they can cause some problems.

  • The dental bridges can damage your adjacent teeth. This is because the dentist will trim the teeth to create room for the bridges, and the process is irreversible.
  • The area around the dental bridge may also be more susceptible to gum disease than an area with natural teeth due to reduced saliva flow and increased plaque build-up.
  • Bridges do not stop bone loss as effectively as the implants do. This is because they are placed on the gums to bridge the gaps and do not replace the roots.

How Are the Dental Bridges Fixed? 

A dentist near you will determine which type of dental bridge is the best for the patient. The dentist will first reshape your teeth and then take an impression of your arches to create a mold with dental putty. This mold is then sent to a dental laboratory to make a customized dental bridge that fits the teeth. 

The dentist will cover the reshaped teeth with temporary restorations to protect against sensitivity. 

The new teeth are cemented in place (within three to fours weeks) using special dental cement or adhesive. The process of getting the bridges will last for about two dental visits.

Steps to Take Care of Your Dental Bridges Properly & Avoiding Common Issue

A common problem with dental bridges is that they loosen over time due to wear and tear from biting down on food or from brushing one's mouth with too much force.

This can cause chewing difficulties and increase the risk for jaw problems. You May also develop decay at the point where the bridges meet the teeth. 

To avoid these issues,you should always take care of your dental bridge properly. Brush and Floss your teeth at least once a day, and make sure you visit a South Austin dentist every six months for regular checkups. Also, replace an old bridge if it has been in use for over 10 years.

Schedule an Appointment 

Visit Peak Dental in South Austin for more information about dental bridges and what you can expect.

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