Is Gum Disease Treatable with Laser Dentistry?

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Laser gum surgery has become widespread for treating moderate to severe gum disease. Laser is the short form for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation.

If you are affected by gum disease, the dentist in Pflugerville might recommend laser surgery as an extra step after receiving traditional scaling and root planing. The dentist might recommend laser gum surgery as a more beneficial method than non-laser surgery for procedures like gum flap surgery. Other dental procedures also benefit from laser gum surgery, including gum contouring, addressing a gummy smile for aesthetic purposes, et cetera. The FDA has authenticated using lasers for endodontic procedures, oral surgery, teeth whitening, and periodontic processes.

Some evidence exists to prove laser gum surgery is safe and effective in treating many dental issues, including gum disease. Unfortunately, while expressing optimism about lasers, the American Dental Association has yet to approve their use for treating gum disease. However, the American Academy of periodontology has reviewed existing evidence to summarize laser therapy might provide modest benefits over traditional treatments. Therefore, to benefit from laser gum surgery, it is essential for you to work with periodontics in Pflugerville, TX, a trained professional with lasers if you decide to undergo this procedure with lasers instead of traditional scalpels.

What Are the Benefits of Laser Dentistry?

As laser dentistry does not use scalpels for cutting, it eliminates the need for sutures while inhibiting post-operative bleeding simultaneously. In addition, lasers sterilize the surgical area preventing excessive bleeding, and you benefit from your insurance provider when using this procedure as a treatment for gum disease.

Lasers are focused beams using powerful lights of thermal energy when performing multiple tasks during gum surgery. Lasers help remove and cut diseased tissue and coagulate blood vessels forming solid clots, sterilize the area, and kill germs and microorganisms.

Lasers function by creating energy changes in atoms to shift them from their current resting state to another stage called the exciting stage. The atoms produce spontaneous emissions with the changes.

When the atoms return to their resting stage, they emit light particles called photons. The process helps provide the energy necessary to perform functions like cutting tissue without scalpels.

How Does Laser Dentistry Treat Gum Disease?

When treating gum disease by performing laser dentistry, the periodontist places the fiber-optic tip of laser dentistry in Pflugerville, TX, on top of the periodontal pocket. The laser uses focused light beams to remove diseased and inflamed gum tissue from the pockets created by the condition. The laser concentrates on the diseased tissue without removing or damaging healthy tissue. Lasers also eliminate disease-causing microorganisms and bacteria from periodontal pockets. After cleaning the pocket of the damaged tissue and bacteria, the laser is set aside.

The periodontist also employs an ultrasonic cleaning tool to break tartar with sound waves. In addition, they reintroduce the laser into the pocket to provide a deep cleaning from the bottom and eliminate debris. As the laser sterilizes tissue and bone to stimulate the formation of a blood clot, it speeds recovery and helps gum tissue to reattach to the tooth eliminating the need for sutures.

If you need laser gum surgery for your entire mouth, you might require two visits to the periodontist lasting a couple of hours each.

Laser gum surgery is performed on any mouth quadrant using soft tissue lasers. Laser treatments are also available for the teeth, but the procedures need hard tissue lasers.

Expectations after Laser Gum Surgery

While many people can resume work the day after the procedure, some may require a few days to feel at ease. In addition, you can expect mild soreness from the process for several days. Some temporary side effects might include slight bleeding, minor swelling, and discoloration of gum tissue.

The recovery from laser gum surgery requires at least a week. During your healing, your periodontist might recommend not brushing or flossing the affected area, rinsing your mouth, letting out the water or mouthwash gently instead of spitting, having a soft diet, and abstaining from smoking or chewing tobacco. You might even receive recommendations from the periodontist to rinse your mouth with warm salt water every few hours because saltwater contains antiseptic properties.

Laser surgery helps decrease gum disease. However, maintaining good dental hygiene habits is essential to keep your mouth clean and free from infections. The practices include brushing daily and flossing, besides scheduling twice-yearly preventive care visits with your dentist.

Gum disease is undoubtedly treatable with laser dentistry and approved by the FDA. Therefore if affected by this condition, help yourself by contacting Peak Dental — Pflugerville today to receive gum disease treatment with laser dentistry and benefit from a therapy causing minimal pain and discomfort.

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